Why Baseball is Baseball

Hi, my name is Gina Anson from Orange, CA.

I’ve always know my father was a professional baseball player but it was before I was born. But because of him, I’ve always loved the sport.

When I was in high school I was given an assignment to trace my family’s tree. I chose my father’s side and found we had an even bigger baseball icon in our family.

My father’s uncle was a baseball legend who held many important records. Some of them are:

*First player to hit 3000

*He won 5 pennants

*He was a 4-time Batting Champion

*He helped originate Spring Training

Cap was one of the first groups into The Baseball Hall of Fame.

But with all his honors he’s almost been forgotten. That saddens me and I’d like to change that and get his story out to the masses.

Back in his era he was known as

THE GRAND OLD MAN OF BASEBALL ~ I think that would be a fabulous title to his story. I also think Bill Murray would be an excellent narrator to this piece as he has such a love for the Chicago Cubs.

For years I’ve approached people who I ‘thought’ could help me with getting this story to a screen but have yet to find people with the passion I have to get this story out to the public. Chip, I’m hoping you might see this story worthy of getting told. Cap was quite a character and it would be a very entertaining story.

Thank you for the opportunity to share this passion I have with you and your panel of judges. I hope to see you all again (I did your 5k) in October!!


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