100 Innings of Baseball in 2018 - aired on Channel 7, WHDH Boston
The 100 Innings of Baseball Spectacular was born in 2004 with the arrival of Curt Schilling to the Boston Red Sox as a fundraiser for Curt's Pitch for ALS program to aid the fight against Lou Gehrig's disease. The world's longest game continues 100 straight innings and lasts more than 30 consecutive hours, and to date has raised almost $750,000. Our goal in 2018 is to hit $750,000!!
The 15th Annual game in 2018 supports ALS through The Angel Fund. Walter Bentson, our umpire chief, continues his ALS fight. This game helped inspire Pete Frates, the Boston College baseball player and internet sensation responsible for the most successful viral social media campaign in history: The Ice Bucket Challenge.
This segment featured Jay Hussey, who organized Welch's Warriors to support his cousin who was diagnosed with ALS. Also featured is Kevin O'Leary who pitched the first 25 innings of the game. Event organizer Brett Rudy also discusses what makes the event successful.
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